Transforming The Healthcare Industry For Doctors

We at VMed have been a pioneer of the telemedicine industry for a long-time.
We have always tried to fill the gaps between the patients and the doctors via our services.

If you are a doctor, you would also experience many perks the platform would provide you with. Our application would lend its help to you and provide you with an exceptional experience when you treat mankind.

Deliver Your Services Marvellously With VMed

VMed would allow you to deliver quality healthcare services in an organized manner.
  • Prioritize patients with severe or chronic illnesses.
  • A swifter service that could help to improve the patient experience and retention.
  • The multi-channel application would help you to extend services in a larger section.
  • Get new patients with better reach without boundaries.
  • Engage with global patients and provide your services to them.

Increase Your Revenue Exponentially

With Digital Clinic And Low-Cost Setup

VMed would incur fewer setup costs compared to expensive and lucrative hospitals and clinics.
  • VMed could be a secondary source of income.
  • No need to buy advanced equipment and rental expensive places.
  • Treat your patient from the comfort of your home.
  • Cut down your staffing and maintenance cost.
  • Treat your patients through virtual consultation via phone or video call.
All you need to do is get yourself registered on VMed and you are all set.

Experience Better Engagement With The Patients

As a doctor, you would witness better practice efficiency when you use VMed to provide your services.
  • It serves as a medium of personal engagement with which the patients could discuss their health-related issues with the doctors.
  • Improved remote monitoring of your patients helping you with better diagnosis.
  • It would help you focus on a particular patient who requires your care and consultancy.
  • The patient data would help you monitor your patient’s health and history of past medical conditions, making it easier for you to treat them.

Don’t Let Transmittable Diseases Stop You from serving mankind

With COVID19 plaguing humanity, the doctors are facing the brunt. However, we have made sure that you are not getting caught in the frontline battle against these communicable diseases.
  • Be at a safer distance from patients with transmittable diseases.
  • Render your services properly to people, even in the zones of contamination.
  • With the video calls and phone calls, you could assess the condition of your patients.
  • The medicines are delivered to the patients to their homes, infecting no more people.
  • Medical tests could be performed at home if the lab and the patient accept it, minimizing any chances of transmission.

Say Bye-Bye To Blank Appointments

VMed can tackle one of the biggest problems doctors face - blank appointments.
  • VMed will remind the patients of the appointment multiple times, ensuring that they attend it.
  • No loss for you in case the appointment goes blank with the pre-payment method.
  • Get a record of all the appointments you have in a day.
  • You could also reschedule the appointment if you are caught up in something.

Deliver Your Services Without Compromising Your Comfort

You would experience comfort when you use VMed for delivering your services.
  • You could render your services in your free time or when you are comfortable.
  • You are not restricted by any work hours or visiting hours.
  • Your patients won’t disturb you when you are with other patients as they would see that you are busy and would drop a request for a call-back.
  • The Bluetooth connectivity feature allows the integration of ECG, SPO2, BP, and other medical equipment with the application.
  • Refer patients to specialists in the applications when the case seems critical.
  • Get test reports available on the application.